Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Don't give up!

Hey there so just a little quick one!
I'm going to post links to articles I've read that are inspiring and can help to change your way of thinking so as to change the way you view yourself! After all we are (or become) what we think! So think of yourself as the beautiful person you are and your body will follow suit!
This article is about children and how we can learn from them a few things about exercising! As I mentioned before, I have 2 kids and they Never. Stop. Moving!! So I've adapted that a little. I try to move as much as I can through out the day. Whether it is playing the Wii or running safely inside the house with them. I try jogging in place during commercials or even during the show I'm watching. I'll try to park further from the store entrance and walk fast or sometimes jog to the entrance. You might think this is silly but it must be working because since starting this I have dropped 3 lbs! Not a whole lot but 3 lbs is 3 lbs!!

The next article is 5 ways to love your body! I think that is important to love yourself the way you are! Be happy with the beautiful gift you have been given! It might not be as perfect as you once knew or you may not the size you dream of but it's beautiful! YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL! We must learn to love who we are right now and be okay with the size we are and then changes will happen! If we are constantly bringing ourselves down that just leads to diet sabotage and unhealthy habits! Which brings me to my next two articles!
Drop the fatitude! and Improve your mood without food! These two articles talk about unhealthy attitudes we may have towards ourselves and the unhealthy way we try to deal with it. I for one am an emotional eater! I eat/snack when I'm bored, stressed, happy, bored, and did a mention stressed! I will grab for the chocolate, the cookie anything sweet, quick and appealing to try and take care of my feelings of depression and boredom. I have counter acted this at work by having a 20 oz bottle of water handy and I mix a powerade packet with it. It gives me the sweet taste I'm craving without the calories and it is liquid refreshment! Which we all know we should be drinking more water! I try to stay away from the ones that contain aspertame as it isn't the most healthy thing to put in your body. I figure that a sip of water with drink mix is more healthy than downing a 250 calorie candy bar on a shift and then craving more!

These articles are from a site called Sparkpeople.com . I like their site. It has use full articles, weight trackers, meal trackers, exercise trackers and workouts. It is a whole community of people helping people to lose weight and feel great! Best part is it's FREE!!! Yeah it is!! Go check it out! I use it for meal ideas and keep track of my weight loss goals and my weight! They also have one called babyfit.com which is geared towards women who are or may become pregnant and those who are nursing. Women have different nutritional needs when participating in this most important work of baring and caring for the future generation! I found this article on that site about how we need to take care of ourselves first in order to take care of anyone else. It's not selfishness its part of the caring properly. How can you help someone if you yourself are laid up in bed because of poor health due to lack of exercise and healthy eating? So take some time to replenish your stores of energy and you will find more to help those around you and to actually "be" with those around you instead of just there. Enjoy life! Enjoy yourself! Create a healthier and happier future!

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